Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

January 13-19 2019 will be SPSA’s next surgical mission. It will be the third time that the Society will return to the city. The first two surgical missions were held under the auspices of Congresswoman Lucy Torres-Gomez. The Society represented by Drs. Mel Simon and his wife Lydia, and Drs. Ed and Corazon Quiros, returned in 2014 to hand over the Society’s donation of a new surgical ambulance following the typhoon devastation the year before. Some medical paraphernalia was also given during that time to Gatmaitan Hospital which hosted pediatric surgical cases during the two earlier missions.

Arrangements this time is being made through the Office of the Mayor, Richard Gomez and the OSPAC Hospital medical and surgical departments. Complements of surgical, dental, anesthesiologists, and ancillary personnel comprising the surgical mission staff are being assembled by the SPSA’s surgical mission committee which will then be forwarded to the Office of the Mayor and the host city.