On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 8:40 PM, Ed Barcelona <edbarcelonamd@yahoo.com> wrote:
Feb. 8, 2023
Great News! We got the formal invitation for the Dumaguete mission from the Mayor’s office.
Next step is to request the local coordinator, Mrs. Mae Cortez to arrange for the use of a hospital for the surgical mission – at least 2 operating rooms and 2 anesthesia machines, a charity ward where the mission patients can stay before and after surgery and an out patient clinic where we can perform minor surgery under local anesthesia.
In the meantime, kindly submit the names of your medical missionaries, their specialty and field of practice, license and expiration date and preferred procedures they feel comfortable doing or assisting in a surgical mission setting .
I will also notify our SPSA missionaries to save the date Feb. 17-23, 2024 for the Dumaguete mission.
Dr. Ed Barcelona
SPSA Surgical Mission Chairman