Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 5:00 pm EST
Presiding: Hernan M. Reyes, MD, FACS, Chairman


  1. Roll Call:
    Attendees: Drs. H.Reyes, Bayani Ignacio, Philip Chua, Danny Fabito, Francisca Velcek,
    Domingo Alvear, Ed Barcelona, Honorio Cruz, Ed Gamboa and Aimee Mabini, Rolly Mendiola
    Excused: Drs. Ed Quiros, Carl Calica and Jay Seldera.
  2. Meeting was called to other with brief remarks by the Chairman. He thanked all
    members attending the virtual meeting. A special thanks was given to Drs. Chua,
    Fabito and Cruz for the magnificent Golden Anniversary celebration of SPSA held last
    Fall at the Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, NV. A major part of the program was the
    distribution of the Golden Anniversary book, “UNCHARTED JOURNEY”, The inspiring
    saga of the Fil-Am surgeon in North America, 1972 – 2022, to each member present.
  3. Executive Directors Report: Dr. Fabito
    22 of Past Presidents and 3 appointees confirmed their willingness to serve as
    members of COPP.
  4. Treasurers Report: Dr. Barcelona
    Wells Fargo. CA —————— $28,464
    Time acct. ———— $31,072
    Balance as of 3/21/2023 ———- $59,535
    Tax Year: 2023
    Total Income: ————————- $22,661
    Total Expenses ————————-$28,698
    Detailed report will be made available per request to our Treasurer.
  5. Membership: Dr. Gamboa
    An official list of the membership which includes address and important information
    was developed and previously submitted to the Executive Director.
  6. Constitution and By=Laws: Drs. Ignacio, Fabito and Chua
    A proposal was made by Drs. Fabito and Chua to establish the position of a President
    for the Society to serve as Chief Executive Officer with a term of two years with an
    option to be elected to a 2 nd two year term. Dr. Ignacio proposed that the term of

office should be 1 year with an option for a 2 nd 1 year term. A motion was made by Dr.
Fabito and seconded by Dr. Chua to amend our CBL to include the above proposal for
a term of office for 1 year with an option for a 2 nd 1 year term as suggested by Dr.
Ignacio. The motion was unanimously approved. A formal document will be sent to all
members of the COPP for ratification.

  1. Surgical Mission: Dr. Barcelona
    The original plan to hold the SPSA Surgical Mission to Dumaguete City for 2024 is on
    hold pending resolution of an unforeseen event.
    A spirited discussion ensued regarding the continuing difficulties with establishing a
    surgical mission in the Philippines which boils down to the following issues: Logistics,
    Financial requirements, resistance from local practitioners including local Medical
    Associations to foreign medical missions, roadblocks by various government agencies,
    lack of collaboration and coordination of mission activities with other Fil-Am groups
    conducting medical missions where a large number of participants are SPSA members,
    the role of non members who are in active practice who wish to participate in a SPSA
    sponsored mission in an effort to recruit younger members and the role of SPSA
    members during missions who are retired and are no longer active in practice in this
    Scheduled surgical missions to the Philippines in 2024 by other organizations where a
    significant number of active participants are SPSA members: Philippine American
    Association of Nevada in Munoz, Nueva Ecija and the Canadian Medical Missions in
    Dr. Ed Barcelona has done a great job setting up our Society’s missions during the last
    decade as Chair of the SPSA Surgical Mission Committee as it has always been the case
    since these program started in 1985 led by Mel Simon, Danny Fabito, Pacing Dorado,
    the late Manny Cacdac and Ed Quiros. Our current Chairman need our continued
    support and input from the membership giving assistance to resolve problems
    Dr. Doming Alvear suggested that more collaboration with local practitioners and
    coordination with Philippine Medical organizations are necessary to achieve success in
    delivering medical and surgical care to underserved communities in the Philippines.
    Consider fund raising through social media.
    Dr. Ed Gamboa proposed that SPSA organize a cadre of Surgeons who are willing to
    volunteer to join other International organizations involved in Disaster relief
    programs throughout the World. This may in fact attract younger surgeons to join the
    Society and likewise enhance the prestige of our organization.
  2. Convention Committee: Dr. Chua
    Dr. Chua suggested that sometime in the not too distant future, a Society meeting
    (Convention) should be held in Las Vegas, NV.
  3. Website: Dr. Cruz
    Dr. Cruz is soliciting newsworthy events involving any of our members for inclusion on
    our website.
  4. Old Business:
    Dr. Reyes reported that the SPSA-PCS SURE Commission Rural Surgery Outreach pilot
    program for a period of three months started last March 1, 2023 at the Gubat District
    Hospital, Gubat, Sorsogon. SPSA provided funding for a full time General Surgeon for
    the duration of the program in addition to a budgeted amount to the Hospital to cover
    OR supplies. World Surgical Foundation is funding the salary of a full time
    Anesthesiologist. The program has so far been well received by the community and
    the initial report is promising. Gubat District Hospital is one of 8 such hospitals in the
    Province. This newly built 90+ bed Hospital currently has no surgical care provided
    except for an occasional volunteer from the staff of the Provincial Hospital in Sorsogon
    City. Dr. Reyes will send a copy of the partnership program and initial report by the
    Director of Surgery at the Provincial Hospital to all members of COPP.
  5. New Business:
    Dr. Aimee Mabini from Canada, a new member of SPSA COPP was introduced to the
    group and gave a short remark including an announcement regarding a
    Medical/Surgical Mission to be conducted by the Canadian Mission group to be held in
    Bataan in 2024 where a number of SPSA members will be active participants.
  6. Adjournment:
    There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made, duly seconded and
    approved by the membership. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.